and Tribes so that we may know each other.
To deny your nationality may then be a sin
against Allah (swt) as you are denying an
aspect of the identity he created you in, the
identity you are to be known by! As the
Prophet and Imams (s.a.w.a) have told us, to
know Allah you must know yourself!
Asia to the Americas, and as they were the
first to land on America, (they had the entire
globe mapped when European’s were afraid
of falling off the edge of a FLAT earth, lol)
they named it after themselves - the Moor
land - Al-Morocco, which eventually became
known as America.
One more example of a famous Moor is a
composer whose title was Toven Bey. He
proudly paid tribute to his Moorish identity
and is world renowned for his contribution to
classical music. While we in the west have
been kept ignorant of our identity and the
great personalities that share our Moorish
identity, the Europeans themselves know
who we are and our history better than us .
We speak of this composer all the time
without realizing he is a Moor of African
descent, and to keep us in the dark they have
reversed his title and presented him to us by
the name Beethoven!
The ancient traditions of the so-called First
Nations say that they met black people when
they 1st journeyed here. The present day
Nation of Morocco was only founded in the
1950's and adopted the flag of the original
Moorish empire which traditions say goes
back 10,000 years!
The Moors are famous for going into Europe
from Africa into Spain and civilizing/Islaming
the European who lived in caves, hadn't
discovered the joys of regular bathing, hadn't
realized the health benefits of keeping
livestock separate and out of the living
quarters, or learned complex mathematics
and sciences. The story does not stop there.
The Moorish empire stretched from the East
Enough for now. Watch the documentary
"Hidden Colors". I plan to play it at the Billal
Centre soon and I have copies if anyone
wants one. I realize that this message is a bit
all over the place as I have presented many
points in a bit of a rambling nature, but it is
meant to expose these facts to those who
have not yet been exposed to them so they
may have a decent base with which to start
their own research. Do your homework! Who
knows what hidden truths you will discover!