The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 80

Moor On the Moors and the Documentary “Hidden Colors” by Rasheed Ali Muhammad Disclaimer: Information provided in this article is for educational purposes only; we await clarification from the Yamani (a.s) on all topics discussed. Salaamu Alaykum Sisters and Brothers, Department of Homeland Security has recently purchased over 2 billion hollow point bullets, but don't worry, there's no way that they'll be used on Americans, they're for fighting al-Qaeda (al-C.I.A.da). In comparison, only 5.5 million bullets are purchased per month for the war in Iraq. DHS has purchased over $2 million dollars’ worth of paper targets depicting white men, (pregnant) women and children "meant to help the transition for officers who are faced with these highly unusual targets for the first time". But don't worry; this target practice is for al-Qaeda. down with the "Matrix"(elite establishment/oppressors), and not claiming their Moorish citizenship which cancels the corporate jurisdiction will be toast! Unless they hit the hills and deep woods That doesn't mean join the Moorish Science Temple, as Drew Ali formulated their weird "so-called Islamic" theology which they mated with the A-Moor-ican National issue. DHS is depicting war veterans, pro-lifers, states' rights supporters, people who are against immigration and John Deere hat, lumberjack jacket and overall-wearing, pickup truck-driving white men as terrorists. But don't worry; this is for fighting al-Qaeda. Emergency powers have been in place since the U.S.A. went bankrupt and enacted the Federal Reserve Act and moved the capital from Philly to D.C.. The U.S. (not U.S.A.) is no longer a Nation and is now legally a corporation which is why the capital is now separate from the states that make up the nation. The U.S.A. currently has no capital or centre of national power. D.C. is a corporate headquarters, for Canada too as Canada is not a nation either and never was. Canada was built on the British Hudson Bay company and is also a corporation with its business address being the embassy in D.C., not Ottawa! Martial law has not yet been enacted as we still have due process and court proceedings, (however biased and corrupted they are), but after the collapse they will be distant memories and everyone who aint Fard and Elijah Muhammad of the Nation of Islam realized what Drew Ali of the MSTA (Moorish Science Temple of America) was doing, twisting the theology and proclaiming himself a Prophet of Allah (swt), and they returned to the Quran and a much more solid theology.