The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 8

present sound proof of the Prophets (pbuta) and the Ahlul Bayt (a.s) being black in order to perhaps educate and enlighten some of the readers. sprang the noblest tribe in Arabia, the Koreish (Quraysh), the tribe from which Muhammad descended." You are free to ignore any of the evidence presented, however I believe that it is my duty to explore all the proof and follow the example of the Righteous and expose injustice wherever I find it. Like Imam Ahmad al Hassan (a.s) said, “I will not stop from confronting Uthman and exposing him in front of everyone” Sermon of Hajj. And the Uthman of today is the White Supremacist. As we have also discussed above, the Arabian Qedar were a black tribe akin to the equally black Nabataeans and these two were in some way related to the Quraysh, the black tribe par excellence of Mecca. As Robert F. Spencer remarks, “It is said that the Quraysh explained their short stature and dark skin by the fact that they always carefully adhered to endogamy.” In his work, “Islam’s Black Legacy : Some Leading Figures” (1993) Mohammed Abu-Bakr includes among some leading Black figures of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) himself. Abu-Bakr rightly notes: "According to Muslim tradition, Muhammad descended in a straight line from Ishmael’s second son Kedar (Arabic: Qaidar), whose name in Hebrew signifies ‘black’. From the sons of Kedar inhabiting the northern Arabian desert, Al-Jahiz (d. 869), the important Afro-Iraqi scholar of ninth century Baghdad, noted in his Fakhr al-sådan ala al-bidan, “The Boast of the Blacks over the Whites”, The ten lordly sons of Abd al-Mutãalib were deep black (dalham) in color and big/tall (Dukhm). When Amir b. al-Tufayl saw them circumambulating (the Ka'ba) like dark camels, he said, ‘With such men as these is the custody of the Ka'ba preserved.’ Abd Allah b. Abbas was very black and tall. Those of Abu Talib’s family, who are the most noble of men, are more or less black (såd).” This report is important for our discussion, not only because Abd al-Mutãalib (a.s) and his ten black sons were pure Arabs, but also because they are also the family of the Prophet, Abd al-Mutãalib being his paternal grandfather. The Syrian scholar and historian al-Dhahabī (d. 1348) too reported that Abd Allāh b. Abbās, Muhammad’s first cousin, and his son, Alī b. Abd Allāh, were “very dark-skinned.” Alī b. Abu Talib (a.s), first cousin of the Prophet and Caliph, is described by al-Suyuti and others as “husky, bald…pot-bellied, large-bearded…and jet-black (shadīd aludma).”