The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 74

"...I called him the son of a black woman." I doubt that Abu Dharr said "son of a black woman" because he himself was black-skinned. Read this description of Abu Dharr: It is related by Ibn Buraida that he said: "When Abu Musa came, he saw Abu Dharr and he (Abu Musa) began to honor Abu Dharr. Abu Musa was thin and short and Abu Dharr was black-skinned with thick hair. Abu Dhar said to Abu Musa: 'Get away from me!' And Abu Musa said (to Abu Dhar): 'Welcome my brother.' And Abu Dhar said to Abu Musa: 'I'm not your brother! I used to be your brother before you became a governor!" ‫فعن ابن بريدة قال "لما قدم أبو موسى لقي أبا ذر فجعل أبو موسى يكرمه‬ ‫وكان أبو موسى قصيرا خفيف اللحم وكان أبو ذر رجال أسود كث الشعر‬ ‫فيقول أبو ذر إليك عني ويقول أبو موسى مرحبا بأخي فيقول لست بأخيك‬ .‫إنما كنت أخاك قبل أن تلي‬ The issue at hand between Abu Dhar and Bilal was not about colour. It was because his (Bilal’s) mother was a non-Arab speaker, an Ethiopian. Abu Dhar said: "There were heated words between me and a companion of mine (meaning Bilal) and his mother was a non-Arab speaker and I insulted her. The Prophet (SAWS) then said to me: 'Did you insult so-and-so?' I said: Yes. He (the Prophet) then said: 'Did you mention his mother?' I said: He who insults people mentions their father and mother. The Prophet then said: 'You are a person with ignorance in him.'" This is found in Siyar A'lam Al-Nubala by Al-Imam Al-Hafidh Al-Dhahabi.