In 1998, Gaddafi turned his attention away from Arab nationalism. He
eliminated a government office in charge of promoting pan-Arab ideas and told
"I had been crying slogans of Arab Unity and brandishing standard of Arab
nationalism for 40 years, but it was not realised. That means that I was talking
in the desert. I have no more time to lose talking with Arabs...I am returning back
to realism...I now talk about Pan-Africanism and African Unity. The Arab world is
finished...Africa is a paradise...and it is full of natural resources like water,
uranium, cobalt, iron, manganese."
Gaddafi's state-run television networks switched from Middle Eastern soap
operas to African themes involving slavery. The background of a unified Arab
League that had been a staple of Libyan television for over two decades was
replaced by a map of Africa. Gaddafi sported a map of Africa on his outfits from
then forward. He also stated that, "I would like Libya to become a black
country. Hence, I recommend to Libyan men to marry only black women
and to Libyan women to marry black men."
Sources: – COLUMNS: Brand recognition, Libya: News and Views, Kaddafi
Lambasts Arab Allies Stance in Pan Am Blast Case – Los Angeles Times
In the Sahara/Savannah region of Africa ( the original Bilad al Sudan ) you can
witness original Black skinned kinky haired Arabs or those who have mixed
with them in The Gambia, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria,
Niger, Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia.