The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 67

the period of time when the then head of State Muamar Gadhafi was overthrown. The late Maumar Gadhafi, himself a descendant of that ancient racial mixture of Black and Indo-Aryan centuries ago (notice his fizzy/curly hair) knew very well about his Black African Arab ancestry despite being pale skinned himself. Gadhafi was quite a maverick in his own right and may have made some delusional statements from time to time but he certainly knew the history of the true Arabs and the people now known as Africans...he once told the present day Egyptians ( a significant number of whom have now become pale skinned after centuries of mixing and mass immigration from Greece, Rome and Turkey ) in a television interview while on a state visit, that the ancient Pharoes were originally black skinned people from sub-Saharan Africa ...the Egyptian media (the newspapers) then mocked and ridiculed him On another occasion Gadhafi on a visit to Kano, Nigeria in 1989, also made the following statement ‫ان اجدادكم عرب اتو من اليمن منذ اكثر من خمسة آالف سنة الى ھذه البقاع‬