Sheik Saad married a very fair skinned Arabic speaking woman to produce
mixed race offspring such as his first born son who in turn married a fair
skinned Arabic speaking woman who then produce the ‘white skinned’
grandson in the image above.
Each inter-racial mixture further decreased/diluted the Dark gene and kinky
hair until eventually those distinctive traits would no longer be visible in future
generations. This is what happened with the ancient Arabs.
Sheik Saad (above) is a black Arab who hails from a lineage of dark skinned
kinky haired black Arabs although there are fair/pale skinned variants within
the extended family who have been mixed with Persians/Turks and other IndoEuropeans and they clearly look Caucasian too. For example take a look at the
man (below) who is related to him. As you can see in the image below (one of
his cousins) he is not dark skinned nor does he have kinky hair and he has
Caucasian features.
Although the Quran does recognize tribes, families and nations and there are
narrations from the Prophet Mohamed which encourage the believers to
recognize their heritage and lineage, miscegenation has never been an issue
amongst Muslims and any preservation of lineage is down to the individual so
long as it is not forcefully imposed or against the wishes of an individual.
However historically it was the black skinned kinky haired Arabs who initially
had a snobbish attitude towards people with fair skin/straight hair and
although the following quote would apply generically, this was one of the
reasons that the Prophet Mohamed highlighted the following point as part of
his final sermon.