His image too was thus ‘corrected’ like the European Christians did with Jesus
giving us the ‘white’ or ‘tanned’ complexion Prophet of Makka so adored by
most of the Muslim world today.
These religious converts and economic migrants became known as Mawali.
Mawali or mawālá (Arabic: )مواليis a term in Classical Arabic used to address
non-Arab Muslims. The term gained prominence in the centuries following the
early Arab Muslim conquests in the 7th century, as many non-Arabs such as
Persians, Turks , Kurds and other Indo-Aryans converted to Islam.
These converts were treated as second class citizens by the ruling Dark
skinned kinky haired Arab elite - they continued to pay the tax required of
nonbelievers and were excluded from government and the military until the end
of the Umayyad Caliphate.
Therefore, many of them were drawn to the anti-Umayyad activities of the
Kaysanites Shia who were based in the Persian s хѕ̀