The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 29

A sign of Arab purity was the blackness of the skin. Make note that this is not ‘Islamic’ teaching nor is it represented or endorsed by the message of The Quran but it was the prevalent mentality of the ancient dark skinned, kinky haired Kushite Arab people of that time. Ironically those fair skinned people today who speak Arabic and now claim an Arab heritage think the exact same about dark skinned people. Sumrah (asmar ‫ )اسمر‬DOES NOT MEAN ‘Tan’ or ‘olive’ as many socalled modern scholars would have you believe. The classical Arabic lexicographers clearly and unanimously defined sumrah as wurqah ‫...) ( ؤرقه‬and wurqah is blackness in earth colour, or from earth colour to blackness (both definitions are given in the earliest classical Arabic dictionaries Lisanul-Arab and fiqh al lugha) Wurqah is a Colour in camels that increases until the camel becomes very dark (ad-ham).