The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 21

Was The Prophet Mohamed a pale skinned Arab? Pt1 Ibrahim [email protected] ....’’The early desert populations of Arabia and Africa were for the most part derived from negroes, who seem to have undergone a specialised physical development having evolved in hot, dry regions in, the late Stone Age. Many of the Ethiopian/Sudanese looking men of Arabia and those in Africa inappropriately named “hamites” by European academia are often found, in areas where temperatures soar, above 120 degrees they tend to be very slender with gracile bones and attenuated limbs skin, though dark brown or black Brown, tends to have a strong reddish hue which is thought, also to be due to the ecological pressures of the environment. Pentaganoid shaped faces are common. Narrow noses and little or no Prognathism, are typical and associated with the modified aspect of their facial and cranial morphology. These characteristics, once presumed to be a legacy of a non Negroid or Caucasoid intermixture, are now attributed, by some population biologists and geneticists, to the ancient adaptation of Africoids to certain specific, ecological factors including the change to the Neolithic diet in combination with dwelling in exceedingly hot, dry habitats...’’; Dana Reynolds ( The African Origin of Asia ). Thus the indigenous or “black” tribes of Arabia were those who in ancient times emigrated from Africa during the Neolithic era, approximately four to five thousand BC. and were the earliest purveyors and disperses of the Semitic dialects especially of the early Semitic which prevailed in the area of Syria and Mesopotamia as well. This would make Arabia’s oldest population by physical appearance dark skinned and kinky haired, making the original Arabians, Afro-Arabs a fact which for some reason does not resonate well with certain schools of thought within the Afro centric academia who did, have and continue to maintain a very anti-Arab anti-Islam stance which is very prevalent within