The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 18

‫وكان رضي ﷲ عنه رجالً آدم شديد األدمة ثقيل العينين عظيمھما، ذا بطن أصلع‬ ‫ربعة إلى القصر ال يخضب‬ * Ibn Asaakir says in Taarikh Dimisq: ً ، ‫وقال زھير بْن معاوية : كان علي يكنى أبا قاسم ، وكان رجال آدم شديد األدمة‬ َ َ ‫ثقيل العينين عظيمھما ، ذا بطن ، أصلع ، وھو إلى قصر أقرب ، وكان أبيض‬ ، ‫الرأس واللحية‬ * Zuhair ibn Muawia said: "Ali had the kunya Abu Qaasim and he was shadid al-udma with big, heavy eyes, a protruding stomach, bald, leaned toward shortness, and he had white hair and a white beard." Bear in mind that the last description above was relating to Ali Ibn Abu Talib when he was a very mature man ( Shaik ) which would be 50+ in Arab culture. As you can see Ali Ibn Abu Talib was not only an Afro-Arab he was a very dark skinned Arab...darker than most people today who call themselves ‘black’. Ask the Deniers of the Truth to explain how is it that Ali ibn Abu Talib and Bilal ibn Rabah were both described as having the same complexion if blacks were only slaves and Arabs were pale skinned and Bilal was one of a few only negroes in Arabia at the time?...ask them to explain that to you!