and Abyssinia, where there can be found a mixed race. It is also
stated that he went to that place once to get married.”
The following description of Bilal ibn Rabah is from the book
Siyar A'alaam Al-Nubalaa by al-Hafiz Mohamed al-Dhahabi:
الواقدي حدثنا سعيد بن عبد العزيز عن مكحول قال حدثني من رأى بالال رجال آدم شديد
األدمة نحيفا طواال أجنأ له شعر كثير وخفيف العارضين به شمط كثير وكان ال يغير
Here is an example of a shadid al’udma complexion
As you can see shadid al’udma is a very very dark complexion
and there is no way that if Bilal’s father was a Caucasian as
many have been misled to assume and his mother
Ethiopian...there is no way that he could have been so dark...if so
he would have the complexion of a typical mixed race child like
President Obama or maybe slightly darker but no way very
black!!! The complexion Adam on it’s own is a dark hue but when
the prefix shadid is added in front it means very Adam or very