The Mahdi Times May 2012 | Page 48

T H E S T R A I G H T P A T H Leaving A Will Behind In accordance with the Qur’an and the Narrations from the AhlulBayt (a.s) it is incumbent upon every Muslim that he leaves behind a Will. your sins from your family, for if they come to know about your sins they would not (bother to) bury you. 2) I (swt) gave you wealth and asked for a loan from you (to give to the poor) {It has been enjoined upon you that but you did not give it for good when you approach death and you causes. 3) Before your death I (swt) are leaving behind your personal return back your senses, so that you property, make a testament according may leave behind a will for good to law for your parents and others causes in wealth but you didn’t close to you. This has been enjoined consider it.”’ [Al-khisal Vol-1.Page upon the God-Fearing as a duty from 136.] Allah.} (2:180) Therefore, if the AhlulBayt (a.s) stated Mohammed bin Faisel reports from that leaving a will ‘is the duty upon Abi Alsabh that he asked from Abi every Muslim’, how could it be that Abdullah (a.s) regarding the Will, the Best of the Creation of Allah (swt), Imam (a.s) replied: ‘It is an essential whom precedes all others in duty for every dedication, worship, sincerity, honor, Muslim.’ [Manlayazahooul faqi Voland work, could fail to do so. And 4.Page-181] there are many narrations that support the fact that the Prophet Mohammed bin Abi Youmar reports Muhammad (s.a.w) did indeed from Hamad bin Usman who heard from Abu Abdullah (a.s): ‘Allah (swt) succeed – by the permission of Allah (swt) – in leaving a will. Even though Blesses His (swt) servant before his he was denied the request to write his death by restoring His servants will at first by a few of his vision, hearing and mind so that he companions, nevertheless, he was may make a will. It, however, granted success in accomplishing the depends on him to leave the will or Will of Allah (swt). not to, but this is the comfort extended to him before death. This is And here are few of many narrations the duty upon every which validate the fact that the Muslim.’ [Manlayazahooul faqi Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) did Vol-4.Page-180] indeed leave a will behind. Abi Naeem narrates from Abi Hamza It is narrated from Mohammed Bin who heard from Imam Muhammad Muslim who heard from Imam Abu Baqir (a.s): ‘Allah (swt) Says : “[ O ] Jafar (a.s): ‘The will is an obligation, the sons of Adam I (swt) blessed you and the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) with three: 1) I (swt) have concealed 48 has also left a will, it is the duty of all Muslim to do the same.’ [Manlayazahooul faqi Vol-4.Page-181] And in Hadith No. 11 of the book ‘Kitab Sulaym ibn Qays Al Hilali’ we find Imam Ali (a.s) saying: ‘O Talhah, were you present when the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) asked for a paper so that he could write that with which the Ummah does not deviate and oppose? At that time your companion said what he said (ie Allah’s Messenger is delirious.). At that time the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) became very angry and left it.” Talhah said: “Yes I was present at that time.” Ali (a.s) said: “When you people left, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) told me all these and also told me what he wanted to write and he wanted people to be witness to it. At that time Archangel Jibre’eel informed him that Allah Azz Wa Jall knew what opposition and separation the Ummah will have. Then he asked for a paper and asked me to write what he wanted written and made three people witness it - Salman, Abu Dhar and Miqdad, and he told the names of the Imams who are guides, whose obedience Allah has commanded till the Day of Judgment. In these first is my name, and the second is this my son (pointing towards Hasan). After him Hussain and then nine from my