The Mahdi Times May 2012 | Page 44

T H and he writes all that is told to him: all the events and dates, the stories, and all the commandments. There is no difference between them. And on this our sages of blessed memory said, 'he who believes that the Torah is from heaven except this verse that God did not say it but rather Moses himself did [he is a denier of all the Torah].' And this that God spoke this and that, each and every statement in the Torah, is from God and it is full of wisdom (each statement) and benefit to those who understand them. And its depth of knowledge is greater than all of the land and wider than all the seas and a person can only go in the path of David, the anointed of the God of Jacob who prayed and said 'Open my eyes so that I may glance upon the wonders of Your Torah' (Psalms 119). E S T R A I G H T P A T H but rather like it says (Jer. 32) 'Great in council and mighty in deed, Your eyes are cognizant to all the ways of mankind.' 'And God saw for the evil of man on the land had grown greatly.' (Gen. 6) And it says, 'The disgust of Sodom and Amorrah is great' and this demonstrates the 10th principle." Bilam and the portion of 'You are gathered (towards the end of Deut)'. And part of this principle that there is no king of Israel except from the house of David and from the seed of Solomon alone. And anyone who disputes this regarding this family is a denier of the name of God and in all the words of the prophets." Principle XI Principle XIII That God Gives Reward to he who does the Commandments of the Torah and Punishes those that transgress Its Admonishments and Warnings Resurrection Of The Dead "And we have already explained it And when the person will believe all these fundamentals and his faith will be clear in them he enters into the "And the great reward is the life of nation of Israel and it is a mitzva to the world to come and the love him and to have mercy on him punishment is the cutting off of the and to act to him according to all the soul [in the world to come]. (Exodus ways in which God commanded us 32) 'And now if You would but forgive regarding loving your neighbor. And their sins - and if not erase me from even if he did all of the sins in the this book that You have written.' And Torah due to desire of the emotions, God answered him, 'He who sinned and from his physical aspect’s And all this God said to Moses and against Me I will erase from My conquering him, he will be punished Moses told to us. And he is book.' " for his sins, but he still has a share in trustworthy in his role as the the world to come and is among the messenger and the verse that teaches Principle XII sinners of Israel. However if he rejects of this fundamental is what is written one of these fundamentals he leaves (Numbers 16) 'And Moses said, with The Era of the Messiah the nation and is a denier of the this shall you know that Hashem "And this is to believe that in truth fundamentals and is called a heretic, sent me to do all these actions that he will come and that you a denier, regarding him it is said (wonders) for they are not from my should be waiting for him even (Psalms 139) 'Behold will not the heart.' though he delays in coming. And you enemy of God be my should not calculate times for him to enemy?'" [Reference:] Principle IX come, or to look in the verses of The Completeness of the Torah All the 13 Fundamentals are in fact Tanach to see when he should come. fundamentals that reflect the message The sages say: The wisdom of those "And this is that the Torah is from who calculate times [of his coming] is of Imam Ahmad (a.s) and regarding God and is not lacking. That to it you the role of the Yamani (a.s) and what small and that you should believe can’t add or take away from. 'Do not he has been revealing to us through that he will be greater and more add to it and do not take away from honored than all of the kings of Israel his complete unadulterated it.' (Deut 13:1) " knowledge and understanding of the since the beginning of time as it is Torah, Bible and Quran. The concepts Principle X prophesied by all the prophets from Moses our teacher, peace be upon him, of what the fundamentals of being a That God Knows man’s actions and believer truly are in their original until Malachi, peace be upon him. Does Not Remove His Eye From And he who doubts or diminishes the form. In fact there is nothing in any of them greatness of the Messiah is a denier in the references we are seeing here, that seems to contradict in anyway what all the Torah for it testifies to the "His knowledge is not like someone we have been shown by the Yamani Messiah explicitly in the portion of who says God abandoned the land 44