has completed his rule, yet it is the
13th one, rises to meet the 12th.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said
"And grant us from his (Imam Ali a.s)
lineage the look alike of Jesus"
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) Book of
Ghaybat Al Nu'mani. Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w) confirms the
Look alike of Jesus (a.s) would be
from the Ahlul Bayt (a.s), and since
Allah (swt) would never deny the
prayer or request from any Prophet
especially Prophet Muhammad
(s.a.w), this tells us that the 'Look
alike of Jesus' must be an important
Soul and figure, yet to come into the
world after him that has already
descended before him. And since his
first descent would have then been
before the time of Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w) at the time of
Jesus (a.s) (from this statement), it
would at first appear to be a strange
of Jesus' mentioned by Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w).A remaining
detail which must not be overlooked
is of Imam Ahmad (a.s) close
resemblance with the image of Jesus
(a.s) we are familiar with, which is
also in sync with his appearance
described to us by Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w) in a Hadith.
Allah (swt) had sent a 'replacement'
to take be sacrificed for Jesus (a.s) in
the crucifixion, Jesus (a.s) referred to
his 'look alike' as the Thirteenth spirit
and that he would 'unify the Twelve'
in his second descent.
The 'Look alike' during his first
ascent, came for no other reason but
to die, he did not come to fulfill his
"Jesus son of Mary will descend at
own mission, this is why he remained
the break of day, between two colored silent not denying or confirming his
clouds and they are two yellow
identity, and never defended himself
dresses made of saffron, his body is
against those who took him to the
white his hair is red, and split in half slaughter, he came only for the
[parted in the middle] as if his hair is purpose of being killed in place of
pouring fat/oil, in his hand a spear, he Jesus (a.s), in the first descent.
will break the crucifix kill the pig and
The 'Holy generation' would come
destroy the dajjal, collect the money
after a 'State of Divine Justice' is
of al Qaem and the people of the cave
established in the world.
will walk behind him and he is the
right vizier [most trusted helper] of al So it is clear that the 'Look alike of
Qaem his chamberlain and deputy,
Jesus' is the 'Comforter' the Son of
and he will spread security in the
Man and the Spirit of Truth that Jesus
west and in the east, with the
(a.s) speaks of. He is the Lamb
If one is not aware of the connection
blessing and dignity of the
because he went willingly to the
between the figure that descended
Hujjat" [proof of Allah (swt)]
slaughter, by the Will of Allah (swt)
then and will be present again in
According to John 16:13 -"But when
future events, how could we even
The narration in the Bible goes:
he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will
make sense of the enigma of the
Knowing that Judas was reflecting
guide you into all truth. He will not
identity of the 'look alike of Jesus'
upon something that was exalted,
speak on his own; he will speak only
and how this is relevant to the
Jesus said to him,“Step away from the what he hears, and he will tell you
Thirteenth spirit that rises and is
others and I shall tell you the
what is yet to come." Spirit of truth is
cursed by his generation, clearly the
mysteries of the kingdom. It is
the Yamani (a.s) as he would be
past descent was not his generation,
possible for you to reach it, but you
known by his trustworthiness, and
he came only at the command of
will grieve a great deal. [36] For
Ahmad (a.s) was indeed known as
Allah (swt) to fulfill a single purpose
someone else will replace you, in
the 'Trustworthy' by all who knew
at that time, and until now we have
order that the twelve may again come him and in the Howza Ilmiya in Najaf
not questioned it.
to completion with their god.”
where he was respected and honored
Also regarding his true identity, if the
until he was seen as a threat by the
'Judas [Ahmad] said to him, “When
'Look alike of Jesus' came from the
opposers of reform (after he
will you tell me these things, and
lineage of Imam Ali (a.s) then why
announced the 'Call