The Doctrine of the Mahdisim - Part 1
By: Malakoot
Muslims as a whole agree on the
Mahdi (a.s), The Guided one of the
End Times who fills the earth with
fairness and justice as it was filled
with injustice and oppression, but
there is still disagreement in the
details of this character. Perhaps the
major point of contention between
them is because the Sunnis
do not believe in Imam Mahdi
Muhammad ibn al-Hassan (a.s),
instead they believe that Imam Mahdi
(a.s) is a man born in the End Times.
However, these two views can be
combined, as “Mahdi” is a title or
description that applies to Imam
Mahdi Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (a.s)
and also applies to his successor who
is born in the End Times and the
Prophet (s.a.w) named him as
Ahmad, he is the Riser who is
proclaimed with his name and is paid
allegiance to between the Rukn and
Maqam. Taking into consideration
that the combination referred to does
not come from synchronized method
that is unconcerned with truth, but it
is a fact which many crystal clear
Hadiths witnesses.
For the Sunnis, there are six major
collections of traditions based on the
Sunni standards for verifying the
authenticity of a tradition. These six
books are: Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih
Muslim, Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn
Majah, Sunan Abu Dawud, and Sahih
From those resources, few points can
be extracted regarding the Belief in
the Mahdi (a.s):
• Imam Mahdi (a.s) will come in the
End Times to make a Divine Justice