Question: May peace and Blessings
having this not one day, ever since the
be on Muhammad and the Progeny of beginning of life - so there is an
evolving. And what the religious men
Muhammad the Imams and Mahdis,
have been doing - if it wasn't from
May peace and blessings be on you
ignorance by means of evolution and
my Master Imam Ahmad Al Hassan,
its' details, it is in actuality obstinacy
May Allah keep you in the best of
because they speculate that evolution
help and make you victorious.
might clash with a religious text.
Is there any truth to this theory of
The reality is that they don't know
evolution by Charles Darwin? It is
very confusing because there is just so even the meaning of evolution and
development, and on top of that, they
much evidence for this from the
reply in the wrong way or that they
genetics all the way up to
archeological evidence such as fossils lie in total flippancy. For example
some of them conceive that evolution
of other hominids(other homo
means development from one species
species) etc. Please my master clear
to the other, while the biologists don't
this confusion.
even say that - not even Darwin - that
May peace and blessings be upon
evolution occurs from a species to
another species directly that is
entirely different, and there is no one
Name: Mohammed Akhtar
that says fish evolved to amphibians
directly. And even at the stage of fish
Country: Canada
that move on mud by their fins, there
is no one ever saying that a fish living
Answer: In the Name of Allah the
in water transferred to an amphibious
Merciful and Intensely Merciful
fish (mudskipper). And some people
Praise due to Allah the Lord of the
misconstrue evolution in that the
Universe, Allahuma Sali Ala
habits don't get transferred, while he
Muhammad Wa Aali Muhammad
does not know the priorities of
Ala'emma WalMahdyeen Wasalam
evolution, and the differentiation
Tasleeman Katheera
intended is a gene differentiation and
not a differentiation of habit or
I ask Allah to grant you success and
behavior. So walking on two feet that
enforce your steps.
distinguish mankind for example
didn't happen from the result of a
For the question about evolution, it's
generally not possible to deny it right habit - the habit itself has no value because it is not hereditary. What is
now except for a person who is
ignorant about what it means to him. happening is a process of natural
If there was with us a differentiation, selection, to members that contain
their preferred genes. In general,
selection, and heredity - it is
guaranteed that there is an evolution, denying evolution today is like
denying that the earth was round
and this case will turn out to be
back in the times.
axiomatic, and doesn't need
comparative fossils or an anatomy to
And the rational evidences that the
prove it.
Qur'an presents does not clash
Gene differentiation among members against the theory of evolution. So
of one species was and still remains to evidence for what is non-existent is
be existent. Heredity is guaranteed to not capable of producing - "Or were
exist as long as there is reproduction. they created without a thing, or are
they creators" (Toor:35). This does not
And if you find these three - the
clash against the theory of evolution
world was never emptied out from
and no one would picture that there is
a clash with it exc ept an ignorant. Yes,
it is possible to assume that there is a
clash with the theory of the Big Bang
taking into consideration the Mtheory and quantum theory, you can
interpret the appearance of the
universe from non-existence and this
is a universal theory wider than the
limitations of this earth. And another
evidence is that the description of the
effect leads to the description of the
cause. (And from it is the evidence of
codification, evidence of organization,
evidence of the goal, and the evidence
of wisdom). And this evidence often
occurs as an assumption that it
clashes with the theory of evolution,
but in reality it doesn't clash with it
because the existence of a law for
genes is enough to confirm it and that
simply means - to prove that the gene
map is codified and that is confirmed.
As for the religious Quranic text and
the narrations, they don't clash
against evolution but it supports it
very clearly and these are examples
from the texts: "And He has created
you in stages" (Nooh 14), "See ye not
how Allah has created the seven
heavens one above another" (Nooh
15), "And made the moon a light in
their midst, and made the sun as a
(Glorious) Lamp?" (Nooh 16), "And
Allah has seeded you from this earth
with a planting" (Nooh 17). And the
apparent from the text is clear "He
created you in stages" And an
example of these stages are the seven
skies and the seven skies are
progressive/graduated in its evolving
and intricacy.
And then he clarified the matter even
more "And Allah has seeded you from
this earth with a planting" And this
means that you are the produce of
this seed that Allah has seeded in this
earth "Allah has seeded you" or let us
say the gene map of Allah that
germinated and the goal was to reach
-at last- the body that is appropriate