Lightning Doesn't
Strike T
By: Joseph McGowen
In the name of Allah, the Most
Beneficent, the Most Merciful, and all
praises are due to Allah (swt), and
there is no power or might except
through Allah (swt), and we are from
Allah (swt) and to Him we return. O'
Allah send your peace and blessings
upon Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, the Imams and Mahdis,
and hasten the Holy Emergence.
throughout the internet. It is one of
great importance and proof that there
is something happening in the
kingdoms of the heavens, and for
sure the curses and punishments are
coming down in this life before the
graves to all those who are cursing,
attacking, and oppressing Imam
Ahmad Al Hassan (as) in this world.
Three months ago, our dear Ansary
Assalamau Alaikum waRahmatullah brother Ali, just a week after
waBarakatu brothers and sisters.
accepting the Dawah, talked to his
friend who was also a shiah in
As many of you remember some time
Belgium. In that same week, his
ago, a Sheikh by the name of Ali
friend went to one of the only Shia
Shukri was killed in a car accident,
mosques in Belgium and called Ali
where his head was completely
right away. He said, “SubhanAllah
smashed, and this was six days after
Ali, you just talked to me about
cursing the messenger and vicegerent
Ahmad Al Hassan and now the
of Imam Mahdi (as), Imam Ahmad Al
Sheikh here is giving a khutbah
Hassan (as) on the pulpit. For those
(friday speech) about him, saying
with hearts to see, this punishment
that he is an imposter, etc.
was a clear sign and proof, and in this
etc.” (Basically the entire speech was
short article you are being asked, does
attacking Ahmad Al Hassan)
Lightning strike twice?
Just two months after this sheikh in
It is a rhetorical question, as of course
Belgium was cursing Imam Ahmad
lightning can strike in the same place
Al Hassan (as) on the pulpit, someone
twice, or even more than that by the
attacked the mosque with a petrol
will and permission of Allah (swt).
bomb for no reason. Here is the
official story:
We just got breaking news from our
dear brother Ali, who is visiting us
Belgium mosque is attacked with a
here at the school from Belgium, and
petrol bomb
this is a Mahdi Times E