Whereas the Holy Spirit,
according to the belief of the
majority of Christians, is one of
the Persons of the Trinity and it
must be on basis of their
doctrine that the disciples
already believe in him. Even
the saying of Jesus: “for his
words will not come from
himself, but whatever has come
to his hearing, that he will say”
- this seems extremely obscure
in respect of a Person who is
from the same nature of the
Father and Son. If this was true,
we should answer who would
be the source of inspiring him
and does he really need
inspiration and support if he
was a Person of the Trinity of
And by what means would
Jesus recommend them to
believe in the Holy Spirit if the
Holy Spirit is the one that
guides the disbelievers to
“And no one is able to say that
Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy
Spirit”- Cor1 [12:3].
Also, the Holy Spirit settles on
each one of them like the flames
of fire...
“And suddenly there came from
heaven a sound like the rushing
of a violent wind, and the
entire house where they were
was full of it.
And they saw tongues, like
flames of fire, coming to rest on
every one of them. ]
And they were all full of the
Holy Spirit, and were talking in
different languages, as the
Spirit gave them power”- Acts
The context of these passages
shows clearly that the
Comforter is a man who will
come after Jesus at a later date
and we are all commanded to
wait for him and believe in him
if we loved Jesus and paid heed
to his commandments.
So when is the Comforter
coming and who is he?
This is what we will know in
the next issues God-Willing.