inhabiting the space located
between scorpio, (which
symbolizes, Imam Muhammad
Al Mahdi (a.s) the 12th Imam,
and Sagitarrius which
symbolizes Imam Jafar As
Sadiq (a.s) the 6th Imam) in the
zodiac formation around the
earth. A synchronicity with the
role of Imam Jafar As Sadiq
(a.s) in revealing the most about
the inner traditions of Islam
and secret truths and hidden
signs regarding the identity of
the Yamani (a.s). This 13th
constellation was never absent
in the sky, just like the
knowledge about the Yamani
(a.s), it was obscured. From the
beginning Allah (swt) created
the 'time' for the completion of
the lower world, where justice
would be served on this earth,
and where true believers will
be sorted from the d [