The Mahdi Times March 2012 | Page 3

other things linked to the Ahlul Bayt a.s, such as the Marriage of Sayyida Umme Kulthum a.s with Umar l.a - which never happened, Karbala and of course it was in this Blessed Manuscript a part which contained information about the Yamani a.s. So, of course this Manuscript is authentic. Mola Ali Waaris The reason why I mention it here, is because "The Secret Manuscript of Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s" contains information of how we got here. How we ended up in this Matrix, this labyrinth. And now Imam Ahmed a.s left us a map of how to get out of this Matrix, how to actually escape this labyrinth. SubhanaAllah! Alhamdolillah Rabbil Alameen, All Praise is Due to Allah swt. "The Labyrinth" is written in such a way that explains step by step the mistakes that have been made by the ones that call themselves Muslims and the connection between the Jews who due to their disobedience, were lost in the desert for years. But the punishment for the Muslims is more severe, as the Jews disobeyed one of the Prophets, Musa a.s, and the Muslims disobeyed the Best of the Prophets, Muhammad s.a.w. The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said, "By Allah, Whom my life is in His Hand, you will follow exactly the steps of your predecessors, step by step, and you won't miss the path of the Children of Israel." It then goes on to explain how a person must free themselves from the labyrinth and how to be completely rid yourself from the shackles of the matrix. Mola Ali Waaris So I urge you to read this book, all Ansar Allah and non Ansar Allah alike, as it clearly demonstrates the incredible knowledge the Hujjah of Allah swt posess and also it hold the keys to freedom, InshaAllah. By the Grace of God, another avenue in spreading the Dawah has also been shown this month, Alhamdolillah Rabbil Alameen, All Praise is Due to Allah swt, and that is through the launch of "TheHawzaofImamMahdi" YouTube channel. The aim of this channel is to upload videos of lectures happening in the Hawza in Egypt, InshaAllah, Mola Ali Waaris. So far, the first lecture has been posted and it was truly amazing to hear the explanations and discussions from Sheikh Saber and Abdullah Hashem. So, please promote this channel and spread it everywhere, InshaAllah. May Allah swt Bless all of the Ansar Allah for their Love of Ahlul Bayt a.s, InshaAllah,Mola Ali Waaris. May Allah swt Bless all of the Ansar Allah for their Sevice to Ahlul Bayt a.s, InshaAllah.  Also, in an attempt to highlight the work being done by the Ansar Allah I teamed up with Sister Mostajeer, who is an absolutely amazing graphics designer, to come up ads and promo ads. This is to make artwork and designs that focus in on what is going on in the Dawah and to spread and promote certain aspects of all the amazing things, InshaAllah,Mola Ali Waaris. And If Allah swt Wills, in this issue of "The Mahdi Times" you will find some of the artwork throughout the magazine promoting certain things in the Dawah, InshaAllah, Mola Ali Waaris. Please feel free to spread and use these ads, as you know, a picture says a thousand words, InshaAllah, Mola Ali Waaris. Also if Allah swt Wills, in this issue of "The Mahdi Times" there is a Question and Ansar section for you to send in any questions that you wish, InshaAllah,Mola Ali Waaris. The questions will be answered using Quran and words from the Infallibles, so feel free to send in any questions that you wish, InshaAllah. I would like to take this opportunity and thank all of the Ansar Allah for their amazing work in trying to spread this Blessed Dawah. From "The Savior" room on paltalk, the global translation team and the ones making YouTube series about the Call to the ones uploading documents and lectures to the ones writing articles, making designs and putting together magazines and newspapers about the Blessed Dawah. I would like to thank all of "The Mahdi Times" team. Each and every single one of you shines brighter than diamonds. May Allah swt Accept the work of the An ͅȁ