3.Kafi v.8 p.295 From Imam AlBaqer pbuh
said to Maysar:"O Maysar how much is
between you and Qirqeesya?I said:It is near
to the Euphrates he said: Verily, there will be
an event unlike anything ever since Allah the
Exalted and Most High created the heavens
and earth and it will be unlike anything as
long as the heavens and the earth remains as
a feast for the birds. The lions will have have
enough of it and the birds of the sky. Qais
will die in it and not an agitator will remain."
Kufa they will rescue all of who was from
Bani Hashem and a group of people will
emerge from the blacks of Kufa who are
called the Asab,almost none of them have
weapons except a few and among them is a
group of people from Basra,so then they will
march to the supporters of Sufyani and they
will rescue whoever was with them from the
capturing of AlKufa and so the black banners
will be marching to give allegiance to the
4.Book of Fitan by Ibn hamad 1/308 -893Narrated from AlHukm son of Nafe from
Jarah-From Arta'a he said"AlSufyani will
enter to AlKufa and will capture it for three
days and kill 60,000 from its people and will
stay there for 8 nights,dividing his money, he
shall enter into Mecca after when he fights
the Turks and the Romans in Qirqeesya and
then he shall part them from the back and so
a party will retreat to Khurasan and so the
horse of the Sufyani gets killed
(destroyed),and the barriers shall get
destroyed until he enters Kufa and will call
the people of Khurasan.So then from
Khurasan there will be a gathering that calls
for the Mahdi. And so then the Sufyani will
be sent to the Medina and so a group from
the family of Muhammad will be taken
away,until they reach AlKufa and then the
Mahdi will appear and the
Mansoor(victor)from AlKufa escaping and so
then the Sufyani will be calling them, when
the Mahdi and the Mansoor reach Mecca,the
army of Sufyani will reach Baida' and so a
landslide will unfold.So then the Mahdi
appears until he passes Medina and so he
rescues all who were from Bani Hashem and
the black banners will appear until they
reach the waters and they will call out
whoever is in Kufa from the supporters of
Sufyani that they are coming and so then
they will escape.And then when they reach
5.From Basher ibn Galeb "The Sufyani will
appear from the place of Rome,Christianized,
on his neck is a cross" Besharat AlIslam p.161
6.From Ammar son of Yaser "and a man from
the house of Abu Sufyan will emerge from
Kalb" v.3 p.161 Mawsoo'a