The Mahdi Times June 2014 | Page 22

right path." - Al-Ghaybah - Mohammed Ibn Ibrahim AlNoamani. When Sufyani reaches Kufa, the Mahdi's brigade(‫ )لواء‬will make a move and the commander of it is Shuaib son of Saleh... Reported from Abu Zar'a from Abi Razeen he said: “If AlSufyani reached Kufa and prophesied movements and their prophesied leaders. If you have not as off yet taken charge of your own religion and still only acknowledge what the fallible marja/scholars/leaders place in front of you, NOW is the time to do the right thing. killed the supporters of the family of Muhammad (s.a.w), the Mahdi (a.s) will emerge pbuh, for his brigade will be Shuaib son of Saleh.” AWAKEN OH SLEEPERS, and PREPARE OH HEEDING ONES!!! We are in the age of the appearance of the Awaited ones and the final battle between Good and Evil! . ‫وذكر نعيم من عالمات وصول السفياني إلى الكوفة‬ ، ‫قال: أخبرنا نعيم ، حدّثنا الوليد ورشدي عن أبي لهيعة‬ ‫حدّثني أبو زرعة عن أبي رزين قال : إذا بلغ السفياني‬ ) ‫الكوفة وقتل أعوان آل محمد ( صلى هللا عليه وآله‬ ‫خرج المهدي ( عليه السالم ) على لوائه شعيب بن‬ ‫. صالح‬ Get in where you fit in. Oh Allah! Oh Allah! Oh Allah The Best of those who bear Witness! Bear witness that I have informed. A brigade consists of 3,000 to 4,000 people to the max Allah humma salle al Muhammadan wa Ahle Muhammad Al-Aima Wal Mahdiyeen wa Salim Taslimun Kathira. From Al-Hasan (a.s) he said, “In Ray a Salaam bulky man who has a dark complexion will emerge, a great servant of Bani Tameem Kawsaj, he is called Shuaib son of Saleh with 4,000. Their clothes are white and their banners are black. He is in the forefront for the Mahdi, no one will meet him unless he killed him.” ّ ‫وذكر نعيم حديث صفة شعيب بن صالح وأنه مقدّمة‬ ‫للمهدي ( عليه السالم ) : حدّثنا نعيم ، حدثنا عبد هللا بن‬ ‫إسماعيل البصري عن أبيه ، عن الحسن ( عليه السالم‬ ‫) قال : يخرج بالري رجل ربعة أسمر مولى لبني تميم‬ ، ‫كوسج ، يُقال له شعيب بن صالح في أربعة آالف‬ ‫ثيابهم بيض وراياتهم سود ، يكون مقدّمة للمهدي ، ال‬ ‫. يلقاه أحد إالّ قتله‬ Do not remain asleep while the awakening events transpire in the palaces they were prophesied to take place in, with these