The Mahdi Times June 2014 | Page 14

by sex to their brotherly mujahideen. Failure to comply with this mandate will result in enforcing the laws of Sharia upon them. over the world are leaving everything behind to go participate in this evil battle. Allah we have notified, Allah bear witness. Sha'ban 13, 1435 June, 12, 2014” You thought this was bad? Did you know that incestuous intercourse is also permitted according to such evil clerics? Saudi cleric Nasser al-‘Umar issued a fatwa permitting mujahidin in Syria to have sexjihad with their sisters [muharamhum] if no one else is available. The Saudi preacher also praised the mujahidin for their ongoing fight against, in his words, the machine of infidelity and oppression, that is, the Syrian and Iranian regimes. Why? Because the end justifies the means. These so called “Jihadists” believe because they are truly doing the work of God on earth and in such a situation it is permissible for women – including their own sisters – to volunteer to give up their bodies so they can “empower Islam” using the following Quranic verse as evidence; “Allah has purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain” – Quran 9:11 This verse is being used to “EMPOWER” women and justify their participation as jihadists. We should not take this lightly as intelligent, beautiful young women from all Some girls return home with sexually transmitted diseases/infections, victims of abuse or pregnant with illegitimate children with no knowledge of whom the father could be. See, it’s very easy to get passionate about fighting in the way of God and against western imperialism and injustice, however we need to inform these youths that there is another way. A woman is the foundation of society. What affect do you think these actions will have on society when a woman is seen as nothing more than an object of sexual gratification under the pretence of Islamic Jihad? For a start, it is an utter misinterpretation of Islam. Intercourse outside of marriage or marriage just for intercourse is completely forbidden in Islam. We are the ones that are always getting attacked by non-Muslims saying how backwards and sexist our religion is because it has prohibited for a wo/man to have boy/girlfriends or sexual contact outside of marriage. Why? Because Islam protects the sanctity of such relations and views marriage