STRAIGHTPATH July 26, 2011
The Hujjatullah Formula
How To Recognize Hujjatullah cont.
These verses stress on the prostration to Allah
AlMighty’ successor/hojjah and the necessity of his
obedience. the Sovereignty is in his hands the
almighty, he gives sovereignty onto whom he wills
and withdraws sovereignty from whom He wills.
Furthermore its is not up to the people to choose a
governor or a governorship, which makes choosing a
governor or a governorship, shirk. Also from the
narrations from saed bin abd allah alkomy in a long
narration (hadith), that he asked Imam al Mahdi
(a.s) when he was young during the time of his father
Imam Hasan Askari (a.s), he asked: tell me my
master about the reason that will prevent the people
from choosing their successor. He (a.s) replied:
peacemaker or a corrupter? He said peacemaker. So
(a.s) replied: is it possible that they choose a
corrupter, without actually knowing what is in that
persons mind of peacemaking or corruption? He
replied: yes. He (a.s) said: it’s for the same reason
that your mind just trusted. Tell me about the
Prophets that Allah chose them and sent the books
upon them, and supported them with revelation and
Infallibility, as they are the most knowledgeable and
are the very well known. Like Moses and Jesus
(PBUT), is it possible that with their knowledge that
they would chose a hypocrite while thinking that he
is a believer? So I replied: no. He (A.S) said: there
you have Moses (kalimullah), and even though he
had a complete sound mind that Allah had gifted
him with, also the gift of knowledge and the
revelation sent down upon him, he chose from his
people only 70 men to meet his God, Moses (a.s)
trusted their faith and loyalty, and it happened to be
that the people he chose were the hypocrites. Allah
(SWT) said "and Moses chose of his people seventy
men for our appointed tryst and, when the trembling
came on them, he said: My Lord! If Thou hadst
willed Thou hadst destroyed them long before, and
me with them. Wilt thou destroy us for that which
the ignorant among us did? It is but Thy trial (of us).
Thou sendest whom Thou wilt astray and guidest
whom Thou wilt: Thou art our Protecting Friend,
therefore forgive us and have mercy on us, Thou, the
Best of all who show forgiveness." Al-A’raf/155. So
now that we found out that even the chosen
Prophets of God have also made the wrong decision
about choosing the corruptor rather than the
peacemaker, while they were thinking that they
chose the right people that we don’t have the right to
select or elect anybody as our governor , because
only Allah knows what the hearts hide and is able to
chose the right person for the right position" Ithbat
Al -hodat: chapter:1 p:115-116.
In conclusion I say that Ahmad Al-Hassan (a.s)
has come to you with the Divine Will, the knowledge
and the call to the governorship of Allah. He has
also come with the rejection of the governorship of
people or as many calls it “democracy”. And who
ever goes over his books that have been published by
Ansar Al Imam Al Mahdi will find a lot of details
about this regard. So we recommend that those new
to this Call read his works and how he explains the
faults within democratically elected governments
and take heed of the warnings, Inshallah, Mola Ali