STRAIGHTPATH July 26, 2011
By Angel
* Blessed are those peacemakers: for they shall be called
sons of God.
* Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness'
sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
* Know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
* By their fruits ye shall know them.
It is not through our sins that we are condemned, for sins
have forgiveness through the truth, repentance, and Jesus
(peace be upon him), a person must wrong sometime to reach
reason. We must wander to get into certainty, we must be
children to be adults, then it is not not through our sins that
that we are condemned but every time we miss an opportunity
to do good unselfishly, every time that we complain about some
unpleasant circumstance we can not understand which does
not cover our expectations and plans instead of living it as it
was handed to us. We do not always recognize when we are
being tested by the Lord God and He recognizes all things, is
omniscient and merciful and he knows better than us what we
Imam Ahmad al-Hassan (as) said: "They have prohibited
what is permitted and have have permitted what is forbidden"
mixing spirituality with materialism so that all that is blessed
and allowed be transmuted to justify the worldly life and its
vices placating which is determined by God.
In some cases many of us might consider doing something
for our good, like meditating, praying and fasting ... During the
course we are called by someone else to do something, a favor
or parcel and as soon as we don't complete what we had in
mind believing that it would be better for us than this
"interruption" we acted with ingratitude. That is where we are
unjust to ourselves and with God, but maybe that's not what we
need at that particular time, but helping someone else and
synchronizing our will with God's will who manifests through
all things means we just have to open the eyes of our hearts to
know what it is a distraction and an impediment or a sign and a
divine help. Remember that it is not our will which shall be
done but is God's will, otherwise confusion and remorse will
arrive by our actions and limiting our ability and these are
disabilities and suffering for the believer.
The world makes it seem as beneficial what is harmful and
makes it look as bad as it was beneficial, do not be fooled by
your minds as we are accustomed to viewing the world that way
and that is the greatest technique of deception of Shaytan in
us, who has been for thousands of years, justifying his
rebelliousness and ingratitude, but those who recognize where
they come from and where they are going do not need know so
much to find out what is harmful and what is beneficial.
They have resembled the truth to the lie by making it seem
beneficial to us what is harmful, and have resembled the truth
Let's remember that behind every intention is an action
to falsehood making us believe something that would be
and a reaction and if we fully trust in God and that which we
harmful as beneficial.
recognize fully inclined towards serenity, humility and love we
will know that behind everything we could consider as "bad"
An example: People nowadays are not only concerned with for us in fact there is very good and on occasions is best for us.
material goods, but consider it a priority in life , instead of
God does what he wants and is Omniscient, and just as the
correcting their intentions by dressing with a sincere and
water flows should be allowed to run and not let us be the mud
humble attitude. They seek to fill those spiritual needs
and dry branches that function as dams and hinder the flow.
materially, worrying about their clothes, shoes and bags, instead
of struggling to keep the family together and get along with
Keep fighting even if it is against yourselves, the truth is
those with whom they live. They seek to fill that emptiness with like medicine for a baby, sour in taste and heavy but once we
large mansions, cars and travels, rather than looking for that
are healed, we don't find anything wrong with it for we are
which make their hearts happy, being this the divine
entirely grateful.
sustenance, they seek for physical sustenance reveling in
exuberant banquets; instead of knowing more about life and
May God make us capable of carrying this advices in our
God refreshing with fresh water , they seek to fill those voids
hearts and make us strong and give us the humility to to apply
with expensive alcoholic drinks and all that poisons the spirit.
it to our lives.
"Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, because
ºLove and being kind is the key to guiding people. Try to
to them belongs the kingdom of heaven" Jesus (AS)
understand people around you, study them - see what they like
and hate - and approach them when they have time and are in
This is where we noticed this investment in the moral and the mood.
true principles of the Self, they mixed truth with falsehood, by