STRAIGHTPATH July 26, 2011
Quran and hence know its correct
However if people are saying that
By Embasedor
Ahmad a.s is not an infallible because
Recently a lot of controversy has
they think he makes a mistake reciting
been spreading in regards to the
the Quran, then I would like to inform
Quranic recitation of Ahmad a.s in one
them that infallibility is not denied
of his sermons. Claims have been made
because of mistakes and if those people
saying that he has made a few mistakes
look back in the Quran they would find
in his pronunciation of a few words in
that a lot of Prophets made mistakes
the Quran in accordance with the
like the Prophet Moses PBUH when he
Arabic language and its rules and how
was with the wise man. Even if we were
it’s written in the Quran.
to accept that Ahmad a.s makes a
Furthermore his rank as an
“mistake” in reciting the Quran it does
Infallible has been questioned as in,
not mean that he is not an Infallible
"How can he claim to be infallible yet he
and if we take a glance back at history
has made these mistakes?"
then there’s a narration that states
Upon examination, one realizes that
Imam Al-Sadik a.s ( Abu Abdullah)
this complaint comes from our low
making a mistake while reciting the
knowledge and our shallow
Quran From Muhammad ibn Muslim
he said: he read Abu Abdullah a.s
Hence, I would like to put forward a
saying:"Verily we have called Noohan"
question that will hopefully give us a
I said Nooh!I then said:May Allah
better understanding of the Quranic
make me your ransom if you read what
recitation of Ahmad a.s.
of the Prophet Muhammed PBUH how the arabic is here he said:Leave me away
The question is “Ahmad a.s makes a do we know that those reading are based from your useless talk" Mustadrak Almistake, according to what?”
on the reading of the Prophet? In
Wasa'el v.4 p.278. If you deny Imam
It might seem like a simple or plain
addition the Prophet told us to read on
Ahmads Infallibility then, because of this
question but the answer to this question
the reading of Ibn Mas'ood, but we never matter then you have to deny Imam Alwill remove the complains for any fairreceived the reading of Ibn Mas'ood
sadik a.s
minded and even-handed person.
because he refused to hand it to Othman
In conclusion I would like to say that
First of all before answering the
when he ordered everyone to hand in
Ahmad a.s did not make a mistake while
question I would like to clarify that while their version of the Quran, so Ibn
he was reciting the Quran but instead he
Ahmad a.s was reciting the Quran he did Mas'ood did not hand in his reading or
corrected himself a few times, and if
not make a mistake in any words but he
version afraid it might be vanished,
Ahmad a.s made a mistake, then this
corrected himself a few times, and there’s because of his refusal and of this incident mistake is based on what? Furthermore
a few narrations from the Holy Progeny
Ibn Mas'ood was attacked by the soldiers Infallibles make mistakes but they do not
of the Prophet where they correct them
of Othman and which lead to his death, sin, mistakes do not affect the Infallibility
selves, so if we take this against Ahmad
along with all of this is when the Quran
of the Infallible.
a.s then we have to take it against the
came down it didn’t have any dots or
Moreover brothers and sisters we
Imams PBUTA.
harakat (symbols used in the Arabic
shouldn’t be focusing on these small
Back to the question that I
language to give the pronunciations of
things and leaving the important parts.
mentioned earlier and which is “Ahmad
words) so its very likely that the way we
a.s makes a mistake according to what?” pronounce the Quran these days is not
May Allah bless you all and shower
The Quran has at least seven
100% the way it used to be pronounced
his blessings on you, and guide us and
different readings, and each reading is
at the time of the Prophet Muhammed
make us firm on the right path
different from the other reading and this PBUH.
Your humble brother
is well known for all Muslims.
Also the Quran is completely linked
If the Quran has at least seven
with the Imams, because the Prophet said
different readings then which one is the
“I am leaving with you two things if you
right one?
stick to them you will never go astray, the
Moreover all the seven readings
book of Allah (Quran) and my Progeny
came at the time of the Immaweyeen
(12imams+12mahdis).” This narration
which is after the time of Imam Ali A.s
clearly states that the Quran and the
and which also means about thirty years
Progeny are bonded together, and there
after the time of the Prophet
are narrations that state that the Imam
Muhammad PBUH. So if the seven
PBUH is the talking Quran. So only the
readings came thirty years after the time Imams or Infallibles know the true