The Mahdi Times December Issue | Page 60

STRAIGHTPATHMONTHLY December 2011 The Love of Hussayn a.s By Aunslaught_ihd Were my love of Husayn to be measured in blood, All the blades of the foes would not come to suffice. Were my love of Husayn to be measured in tears, Furat would experience flowing water's pain. To quench the grief of Tragic Karbala, Tears of blood will be shed from the wound of the heart, Even then those for whom Hussayn a.s is beloved, From them, his grief will yet still not depart. The heart moans in pain at the blade on Hussayn, The hand is stained with the tears from the eyes, Sakina is smacked across the face, Lord Tears have been shed by the seas by the skies. The blade has been run on the neck of Hussayn, The tents have been burned, the women have cried, Heads of the bodies been pierced by the spears, God, oh God, Sajjad is so ill, The mother of Asghar in tears upon tears. 60 Abbas's head been tortured by fiends, The body of Hussayn been trampled by hooves, Alas the pain shall never come to cease. With the cries of the women this Earth slowly moves. The head of Hussayn been hoisted on the spear Zainab looks at him, her tears cannot stop, She comforts all others, shows such bravery Daughter of Ali walks to avenge Karbala. She looks after Sakina, looks after the others, The red sky of blood reflects blood on the sand, She comforts the daughters, she comforts the mothers, Daughter of Fatima firmly holds Sakina's hand. The hearts lament at the sight that ensues, The beasts as they jovially laugh and oppress, Allah is the Witness, He will avenge all. Mahdi and Ahmad will soon rise as promised.