The Mahdi Times December Issue | Page 45

December 2011 Haven't the words of the Messenger of Allah reached you about me and my brother:  "Those are two youths of the people of heaven"?. If you entrusted with what I said and its' the truth.  By Allah I don't intend to lie! Ever since when I understood that Allah becomes angry towards the people of it; as He harms whoever plots it.  And if you accuse me to be a liar, then there is someone who if you ask, he will report you of me.  Ask Jabbir son of Abdullah AlAnsary, Aba Sa'eed Al Khuthri, Sahal Ibn Sa'ad AlSa'edi, Zaid Ibn Arqam, and Anas Ibn Malek. They will tell you that they've heard about this report from the Messenger of Allah about me and my brother.  Is that not a barrier between you and I, on shedding my blood?  So Shimmir replied:  He surely worshipped Allah with a letter, if he knew what you were saying.  And so Habeeb son of Muthaaher(r.a)said:  By Allah I see you worship Allah with 70 letters, and I witness that you are right that you do not know what he is saying.  Allah has sealed your heart!  So AlHussein pbuh said:  If you are in doubt from this say, do you doubt that I am the son of your Prophets' daughter? By Allah there isn't from the East nor the West, a son of a Prophets' daughter in between all of you.  Woe onto you, do you demand someone I killed or money that I have stolen?  Or a Law of Equality (Qisas)?  So they decided to ignore him (Hussein pbuh).  But he called: O Shabbath son of Ribi'! O Hajar son of Abjir ! O Qais son of Ash'ath and O Zaid son of Harith!  Didn't you write for me to come to you, that 45 the plants began to grow and turn green?  And that I am coming towards an armed throng of soldiers?”  So then they said: “WE DID NOT!” Hussein pbuh said: “Subhanallah!!  By Allah you have!”  AlHussein pbuh said: O People!  If you hate me leave me alone!  I will go away from you to a safe place on this earth!” So then Qais son of Ash'ath said:  “Will you come into agreement with leadership of your cousins, for they will show you only what you will love! And not even what you hate shall reach you!” So AlHussein pbuh said:  “You are the brother of your own brother.  Do you want Banu Hashem to demand more than the blood of Muslim son of Aqeel?  By Allah!!  I will not give my hand to them like a subservient giver, and I shall not flee like the fleeing of slaves.  O servants of Allah, I seek refuge to my Lord and your Lord for you to even stone me.  I seek refuge to my Lord and your Lord from every boastful arrogant, that does not believe in the Day of Reckoning!” ***