The Mahdi Times December Issue | Page 21

FASHIONMONTHLY December 26, 2011 21 charge of our accounts, may Allah not forgive you if you do not forgive us."  It is better that we relate regarding them: "Does this nation desire the intercession of the Grandfather (of Husain) on the day of Qiyamah after having murdered Husain, no never, by Allah! They will find no intercessor and they will be engulfed in the wrath in Qiyamah."  (Tabari) They fought with them valiantly until the noon. The Kufan army could not attack from any other side accept one, because their tents were joint together. When Umar bin Sa'ad saw this, he ordered his men to attack the tents from the left and right sides, to dig them up and surround them. Three four persons from among the companions of Imam Husain (A.S.) stood up to guard the tents. Then they would attack the invaders from in between the tents and whoever would come to dig the tent or plunder it, would be killed or they would shoot an arrow and injure him. Then Umar bin Sa'ad ordered, "Do not go near the tents, nor dig or plunder them, rather burn them." Then they burnt the tents and held back their hands from digging or plundering them. Imam Husain (A.S.) said, "Let them burn the tents, for if they do so, the fire will act as a prevention against them."  It happened as said, and a group of them fought with them from one side. (Tabari) The wife of (Abdullah bin) Umayr Kalbi ran out into the battlefield and sat at the head of her husband (who was already martyred, as has been related earlier) cleaning the dust from him, and said, "May Paradise be pleasant for you." When Shimr saw her, he commanded his retainer named Rustam, "Hit her upon the head." He dealt a blow upon her head which split open, and she attained martyrdom at that very spot. (May Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon her).  Then Shimr bin Ziljawshan attacked until he reached a particular tent of Imam Husain (A.S.) and striking it with his lance said, "Bring me fire, so that I may burn it along with what it contains." Hearing this womenfolk started shrieking and came out of the tents in panic. Then Imam Husain (A.S.) called out in a loud voice saying, "O son of Ziljawshan! Do you ask for fire to be brought so as to burn the tent along with my family? May Allah burn you in the fire (of hell)."  Azdi says that Sulayman bin Abi Rashid relates from Hameed bin Muslim that he said, that I told Shimr bin Ziljawshan, "Glory be to Allah! This does not suit you. Do you desire tasting the wrath of Allah by killing th