Arius denied the Divinity of Jesus
He thought that there was a time in which Jesus was not present in, and he considered him high among the creatures of God and from
his creation, just like he considered that the Holy Spirit is also from the creation of God. Whereas Alexandros the First (the Pope of
Alexandria) made it certain that the nature of Jesus is the same as the nature of God.
The opinion of Alexandros the first (the Pope of Alexandria) predominated by voting and by rejecting Arius and two of the priests by
the insistence of signing. From there, they were exiled to Alira (Balkan at the moment) and they burnt the books of Arius, and his
doctrine was named as Arian Heresy, and his followers are named, till this day, as the enemies of Christianity.
The Council of Nicaea resulted in making the first type of the
“Law of the Christian Faith” (Creed)
The relationship of the church with the authority began to take shape after it was a pure religious entity. After three centuries of the
enhancement of the Christian thoughts and its desegregation with the thoughts and the religions that are surrounding freely in all
directions, the uniting church became the scholar and the authority in the limitation of who enters in the scope of faith and who does
not, and this is what was admitted in the meeting of Nicaea:
-That Jesus was born from the Father before all ages (eternal)
-God from God, Light from Light, true God from True God
-Has been born and not created, equal to the Father in essence.
All of the bishops present signed the “Law of Faith” (Creed), except two of them including Arius and his group of course.
The execution of Arius and the absolute deprivation of his
Arius was executed and a meeting was held about him, which included the scholars of the church and the pagan Emperor Constantine
the Second. They did to him exactly what the Jewish scholars and Herod did to Jesus Christ.They named them as Heretical and burnt
off all his books and manuscripts. They also commanded by the immediate execution of whoever had any of the manuscripts of
Arius. It is better to be said that they are the heretics, as the doctrine of Arius is the original doctrine, whereas their belief in The
Trinity that Jesus is an absolute God was admitted for the first time in this council.