The Magazine of Phi Gamma Nu July 2013 - July 2014 | Page 4



hello current and alumni pgn members,

i hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. it is with extreme pleasure that i announce another year of growth and success within the phi gamma nu professional business fraternity.

this year we are pleased to welcome three new chapters: university of michigan, indiana university, and illinois state. by 2015, pgn aims to complete the onboarding process of loyola university chicago and northwestern university, adding five new seats to our convention table and approximately 200 new undergraduate members.

on saturday april 5th, we had our second annual national convention post the 2012 re-organization. the theme of the conference was entrepreneurship, where we heard from renowned entrepreneur and mit sloan professor william aulet on what it takes to create value, growth, and maintain a competitive advantage. aulet was able to highlight key steps of his book, the discipline of entrepreneurship, that the pgn national council and its chapters can use to become the premier business fraternity in the country.

at the convention we held elections and it is with mixed emotions our vice presidents viraj patel, jashan ahuja, and jared nichter continue their professional interests at jp morgan, ibm and expedient, respectively. our newly elected vice presidents, eric parker, ryan stern, gabriel rodriguez, and rich borucke have the full support of the remaining pgn national council and the chapter presidents to continue to advance the pgn mission.

now you, our pgn alumni; we need your help. please start by taking time to review our updated homepage ( while you are there, don't forget to fill out your alumni profile and connect to over 3,000 pgn alums immediately!!! going forward, the newsletter and the website will be our primary form of communication. secondly, reach out to your current chapter president or alumni chair to make sure they have all of your information and it is up to date. thirdly, the growth we saw this year is unprecedentted. we want to continue to grow and provide our members and alumni with more benefits. help support us by taking advantage of internal networks and company match offers and donate today to ensure that pgn has the financial security to shape leaders of the future. lastly, stay tuned for our final 90th celebration in december in chicago. we want to connect with you!


national president

cornell - delta omicron alumnus