The Magazine of Phi Gamma Nu July 2013 - July 2014 | Page 23


>> 90 years

This year, the phi gamma nu - beta pi chapter threw an alumni weekend to remember. around 50 alumni flocked to the university of illinois in champaign - urbana on may 3 - 4 for an entire weekend planned around pgn's three pillars. saturday evening started with a banquet where 130 people attended. the evening celebrated alumni achievements. the chapter's accomplishments, and its members oustanding efforts. matt hisey, the national treasurer was in attendance and provided an overview of the national council, its recent changes, and described how alumni can get involved. the evening concluded with the alumni and members sharing stories and making new connections.

on sunday, alumni and chapter members participated in compete for a cure, beta pi's largest philantrhopy event. the event featured a basketball tournament, a volleyball tournament, raffles, food, and live music. together, they raised over $20k for the pam legacy of hope foundation for lung cancer research.

the chapter plans to hold the event again next year, this time with more alumni! if you are in the area, feel free to join.