The magazine MAQ | Página 4

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Etiam art

exme sculpture

Being a member of this movement gave me, first and foremost, the chance to meet a number of talented people, like Roberto Denti, founder and front runner of MAQ, Natalia Morozova and other notable members, who share the same philosophy and dedication. The process of actively “adapting” to the values and shared vision of the artistic movement was not necessary; I always perceived its principles to be more or less self-evident, as they also make the building blocks of my life and art philosophy. That being said, I never perceived the membership as something requiring changes on my side, as I never regarded it as a foreign body. Being a MAQ member will most certainly include future stages of a deep understanding of our world and lives and I regard being in such good company as a gift, a chance, as well as a blessing. In the short time that followed-up becoming a MAQ member, I noticed how it helped me tap into new, previously unknown resources and how it amplified a better understanding of some phenomenons. Moreover, it planted new creative seeds, that will find their expression in future artworks.

MAQ/April 2018/02