Oil on canvas
50x40, 2018
Mandala-a complex geometric structure, symbolizing the world order, that is, in fact, it is nothing but a model of the Universe, the receptacle of space. It is the circle that most often underlies the Mandal image. Its outer circle symbolizes the Universe, it is inscribed square, and inside the square-another circle - the world of deities. This circle is usually divided into segments. In General, if you look at this symbol wider, you can find that the circle underlying the image of the mandala, found everywhere in the macro - and microworld. For example, in nature: it is the roundness of the Earth, and circles on the water, and the iris of the human eye, even the cycle of the seasons! And in human life: wheel, plate, clock... Mandala depicted symbols. Symbols are recognizable elements that convey a specific meaning, ideas, concepts — they serve as a "language" in painting. The symbol refers not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of man, his subconscious, generates complex associations. The semantic structure of the symbol is multi-layered and is designed for the active inner work of the perceiver, i.e. the viewer. The symbolism of color is the language of the author. The very structure of the symbol is aimed at immersing each particular phenomenon in the element of "initial" existence and give a holistic image through this phenomenon. If a thing allows it to be considered, the symbol itself seems to "look" at us. The meaning of the symbol can not be deciphered by a simple effort of reason, it is necessary to "get used to", and to do this — the symbol must be known.