The magazine MAQ The magazine MAQ ART December 2018 | Page 141

Who was the muse of Raphael?

The muse of Raphael was Margherita Luthi, the daughter of a simple baker, who was not distinguished by her angelic character ...

Margarita Luty - a simple peasant girl who could not even dream of the fate that was prepared for her. At the age of 17 she planned to marry the local shepherd Tomaso Cinelli, and she would surely have happened if once, by a happy accident, while walking in the park, she did not meet Rafael Santi himself. The artist was looking for a model for the painting "Cupid and Psyche", and one glance at the charming face of Margarita Luty was enough to understand: an unearthly beauty appeared before him.

On a bold offer to pose, Luthey agreed, a little pause. Permission from her father was obtained for several dozen gold coins, and Margaret herself returned from the artist on the very first evening with a luxurious gold necklace. Rafael was ready to give his darling with expensive gifts, foster and enjoy her beauty. Margarita turned his head, and she herself plunged into a luxurious life, which you could only dream of.