The magazine MAQ The magazine MAQ ART December 2018 | Page 121

The autumn arrived and the move to a new city began. As a new member of a community, with people to get to know, spaces go, the whole waking up restlessness. The transfer to this city known as the “colored Doors” generated some curiosity for being the so, what the reason for his name? The avenue is wide with sidewalks meticulous, grov lush, multi-green, manicured gardens surround each house in the neighborhood. I it is surprising to see that each house has a corridor, a small room with your door color is strategically located in the gardens. Mysterious doors give a touch picturesque, unique to the urban landscape. My house has a blue door, with small details geometric, forming an upward spiral in the center of the same, with borders in blue cobalt, gems in sky-blue sea, with fine reliefs in silver and details of tiny stones in indian red. While I'm still navigating the details, the former owner, it gives me the key my new home attached to the bunch, an additional key in blue with arabesques very rare that shine. The next day of my arrival, and the new work in a creative company I did you forget the doors for a few hours. A context with offices colorful, windows chosen that make the imagination fly. The work led to a talk spontaneous with new colleagues about their activities in the weekends and the curiosity could more, the doors return to my memory with questions that run over out of my mouth, what is the great enigma of the colored doors?, look at me with a friendly smile, answering: you should find one that's behind each one, responded to the unisonó and only laughed at his response. Upon returning to my new home, note in the route that the doors glow in the closed night without moon or stars that accompany it, each one of them has a unusual silence, accompanied by this light effect that highlights . Come and enter the garage when I saw that my door was without any sign of colorful light, I ask why what? Leave my things in the living room heading back towards the blue door.