The magazine MAQ September 2019 | Page 5

MAQ Magazine n. 14 / September 2019


Dear friends and readers!

We continue our publications, after the break due to the summer holidays in the Northern hemisphere and from the winter holidays in the South. MAQ is an international movement and the different seasons and time zones always make us operational. In fact these two months have been very profitable and have brought many new features: MAQ inaugurated the operative office in the City of Caltagirone in July, at the office of the Engineer Giovanni Branciforti, MAQ Manager Sicily. The manager of the office is Salvatore Paolo Garufi Tanteri, MAQ Vice President. Other very important news are the appointment of the Egyptian artist Ahmed Ghwiba to MAQ Manager Egypt, for his excellent work of spreading Quantum Art in Egypt: the Egyptian group composed of professors and excellent artists is being built around him. Another important innovation comes from Argentina, where Laura Dorado brought Professor Nieves Teresita Maldonato to the MAQ as a full member. Teresita is a literate and poet and for twenty years she has been applying the concepts of quantum physics in her literary and poetic writings. The MAQ management has evaluated its curriculum believing to appoint Teresita, Honorary Member, as its experience, its culture and its publications are a great added value.

Also from Argentina is the conference entitled "Aesthetics Cuantica" which was held on August 23 in Tucumàn in the prestigious "Auditorio De Concejo Deliberante" and all the news and photos, you can find them in the first pages of the magazine.

The other events that will see us as protagonists in the coming months, are in Trezzo Sull'Ada from 14 to 22 September, where in the prestigious Villa Crivelli we will hold an exhibition with international artists and conference. For this year one of our most important appointments will be "A beautiful November, in Caltagirone ..." in Sicily, in the City of Caltagirone where, from November 1st to 30th, with the Free Patronage of the Municipality and in collaboration with Eurasian Art Union, there will be a series of artistic, literary, fashion, mail art events in collaboration with IIS C.A. DALLA CHIESA-CALTAGIRONE.

Also in this issue continues the collaboration with the Russian critic Grigory Ginzburg, with the Australian artists and scientists, with the other MAQ members and with the professor of the University of Alexandria-Egypt, Wahid al-Belbasi. It is a number to be read, without forgetting the now classic columns dedicated to poetry, astrophysics, astronomy and nanotechnology. Thank you all for your cooperation and happy reading!

Roberto Denti

MAQ President