The magazine MAQ September 2018 The magazine MAQ may 2018 | Page 62

Today medicine has reached a high and technological level of development.

Ten, fifty, a hundred years ago, medical care was considered indisputable, nowadays they cause a smile, because it became clear that the widespread methods in past ages, they were equivocal and harmful.

Dead mice

The ancient Egyptians rubbed "paste" of dead rats along with other ingredients

for toothache. And in England, a wizened rat it was cut in the middle of a wart.

Mice were also used to treat pertussis, measles, smallpox, and pee in bed.


With his help they "treated" malaria, and women in the Victorian era used to

even arsenic as cosmetics.

Gas in "bank"

In the Middle Ages intestinal gases were stored in glass containers (in the bank) and were inhaled for the treatment of the plague.


In past eras, it was believed that this is an effective contraceptive. In ancient Egypt, crocodiles were used as a means of contraception, pushing it into the vagina.

In the 17th century, chicken excrement was eaten in England to restore lush hair.

In India almost cow's dung was added to all the preparations.

With the help of dog excrement, they tried to cure a sore throat. They must necessarily be dried and white.

"Sympathy powder"

Nice name, but no more. This powder has been treated for wounds obtained with a cutting weapon. It included earthworms, porcini brains, rust and mummified remains.


In the second half of the 19th century heroin was used. And almost immediately it was used as a cough medicine.

Methods of treatment in medicine of the past

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