Being a poet since a tender age she published several poetry in the United States.Few years ago she also started to paint following her mother foot steps. Her poetry have been
appreciated and accepted for publication in few anthologies, she recieved an award during the International Poetry contest organized by Mario Soldati in 1988.
In 2005 she published her poem Esistenza
In the italian antology “Briciole di Senso” Collana Le Schegge D’ Oro , Montedit editor.
In 2011 her poems Abbi Pieta’ and Requiem Aeternum were published in the anthology Sesto Premio Nationale of Religeous Poetry “San Sabino”, La Perla Editor.
She also partecipated in performances of music, dance, poetry and painting. As an artist she partecipated in exhibitions such as “From Chaos to Entanglement” in Milan in May 2013.