Leading category "Nanotechnology"
President MAQ
Roberto Denti
"The search for freedom", 2017, Roberto Denti
Over the past two decades the ability to measure and manipulate matter at atomic and molecular scales has led to the discovery of novel materials and phenomena. These advances underlie the multidisciplinary areas of Research and Development known today as Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology deals with the synthesis, manipulation and characterization of matter at the sub-100 nanometers level (1 nanometer = 1 billionth of a meter). Nanotechnology is still an emerging area although commercial products are already on the market, and is a very powerful combination of technologies that could be extremely beneficial or extremely dangerous, including life threatening. The best way to keep things under control is Knowledge. Not only governments and military should know about these developments, but the general public at large should be informed. The responsible development and application of nanotechnology could lead to create jobs and economic growth, to enhance national security, and to improve the quality of life. Some of the benefits would be cleaner manufacturing processes, stronger and lighter building materials, smaller and faster computers, and more powerful ways to detect and treat disease. Nanoscience is the system of acquiring knowledge about events at molecular and atomic scales through Research and Development. R&D focuses on practical applications, such as energy, homeland security, healthcare, food and agriculture, environment, new materials, electronics. (Source nanoart.org)