The magazine MAQ May-June 2019 | Page 5

MAQ Magazine n. 12 / May - June 2019

Dear friends and readers! April and May were two months of intense work and great satisfaction! The theme of all the exhibitions was "Quantum Creativity as an antidote for human survival" and was agreed with our partner Science-Art Research Center of Australia by Professor Robert Pope. We started on April 5th with the presentation of the mail art project "Quantum Creativity for World Peace" and the inauguration of the related exhibition; on April 15 we inaugurated the Festival of Quantum Art at the Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Moscow, with the performance "From chaos to entanglement" in collaboration with the Gabbe Theater. The whole Festival was a critical success and we had the honor of meeting in person the famous Russian critic Grigory Ginzburg, who joined MAQ as an Honorary Member. This is a great success for quantum art!

Also in April the MODENARO fashion collection won the First Prize at the Moscow Fashion Competition and this fills us with satisfaction and opens up many new opportunities.

On May 12 we held a conference with an exhibition at the University of Pavia which allowed us to introduce our philosophy of quantum art-science and society.

All these experiences have made us grow culturally and, moreover, we have made new friends and collaborations: of Grigory Ginzburg they have already spoken and the other important friendship and collaboration is with Vladimir Gabbe, director of the Armenian Cultural Center and of the Gabbe Theater. This brings to mind a very sad historical fact, the genocide of the Armenian people of 1915 and for this reason I wanted to dedicate some pages of this issue of the magazine, NOT TO FORGET IT !!!

A look at the near future: in recent months we will work to better prepare the great event that will be held in the city of Caltagirone for the entire month of November where our partners will participate in first person: Euroasian Ar Union, Teatro Gabbe, Gregory Ginzburg and others . Let us not forget the exhibition in Trezzo d'Adda from 14 to 22 September in the prestigious "Sala degli specchi" of the Villa Crivelli.

Roberto Denti MAQ President