The MAG Vietnam Vol 7 March 2017 | Page 23

Medical Opinion
If you snore , it means you have sleep apnea .
Blood Test
Overnight sleep study
Physical eexamination
You may be able to reduce mild sleep apnea symptoms by propping up the head of your bed .


How can you make using a CPAP easier ?
Get used to it by wearing the mask briefly during the day
Just use it on the nights when you wake up
Only sleep on your back so the mask won ’ t move
How can you make using a CPAP easier ?
Sleeping pills Alcohol Tobacco All
Who ' s usually the first to notice signs of sleep apnea ?
The person who has it
Doctor Sleep specialist Bed partner
Less than 50 % If you think you may have sleep apnea , see your doctor . Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can raise your risk of high blood pressure , heart attack , stroke , depression , and even car accidents . Most people find that using a CPAP machine reduces or gets rid of their sleep apnea symptoms .

How did you score ?

50 % Plus You know many of the causes , symptoms , and treatments that are associated with sleep apnea . If you think you may have sleep apnea , tell your doctor . He may refer you to a sleep specialist for a sleep study that will check your breathing while you sleep .
The MAG Vung Tau 23