The MAG Vietnam Vol 6 Feb 2017 | Page 3

Villa For Sale or Rent
Villa For Sale or Rent

From The Editor

Well Tet is in full swing in Vung Tau , traffic has increased exponentially , the streets are very busy and prices have increased at local markets and some venues . All that said the atmosphere is great , everyone is having a fantastic time with their families which is the message Tet sends . Expats aren ’ t missing out either although with the ATMs out of cash and the gold shop closed for a couple of days there were some worried looks on a few people I met up with the other night . Business has certainly increased along with the boom in population since the beginning of this period and hopefully for the proprietors , continue to maintain the momentum over the rest of the year . We went for a walk the other night , to take in the sights and we both had to agree the effort and planning that has gone into transforming the front beach area is nothing short of amazing . The lights , displays , food have all made this year one that will be hard to top . The people ’ s committee , organizers and sponsors of the event deserve a huge “ Well Done ”. Next month we have St . Patrick ’ s Day , hopefully we see the local Restaurants and Bars getting into the spirit of celebrating the day ( even if they aren ’ t Irish ) and adding an Irish theme to their venues , if we keep the party going we attract more and more visitors to our beautiful city benefitting everyone .

On behalf of Colleen , myself , and our team we wish you happy and prosperous times throughout the year , enjoy the read .

4 Bedroom , 5 Bathroom modern 3 storey villa in quiet street .
Close to city centre 1km from front beach City views

THANK YOU !!! Andrew Winterburn

Managing Editor
The MAG online https :// themagvietnam . com /


Do you have any comments that you would like to air ? If so , reach out and have your say at
feedback @ themagvietnam . com we ’ re at your fingertips .
Your ideas and thoughts are important to us .
Interested buyers please contact :
Darryl : 0919077803 or Hai 0922276775 for a viewing appointment . Price and address on application .
4 phong ngu , 5 phong tam , biet thu 1 tret 2 lau khu yen tinh . Gan trung tam thanh pho , gan bien , view thanh pho Khach hang quan tam gia ca va xem nha lien he
Darryl 0919077803 Hai 0933376775 .