Local Interest
A helping hand is always welcome
mountains , next week the beach – all at a leisurely pace determined by their own level of enthusiasm and fitness , and safely guided by those who know the way ! So what can you expect if you decide to take a run ( or walk ) with VTH3 ? Turn up any Sunday at 2 pm in sturdy shoes and loose-fitting sports clothes to Hon Ru Ri coffee shop , 1A Tran Phu ( see website for details : vungtauhash . com ). Look for people in brightly coloured clothes and carrying small packs and bottles of water ; ask for “ Hash Cash ” ( Treasurer ) and pay that day ’ s nominal run fee . There are no membership fees , just a small amount on the day / s you participate to help pay for bus hire , refreshments , etc . The fee and other relevant details for any particular run are always shown in the NEXT RUN box on the VTH3 website . The run fee is guaranteed not to “ break the bank ”!
Nearly at the top The MAG Vung Tau 29