The MAG Vietnam Vol 4 Dec 2016 | Page 4


From The Editor

Well it ’ s that time of year again “ Christmas is just about upon us ” and everyone seems to be really busy trying to organise that special day for their families and friends . This will be the first Christmas for many years that Colleen and I haven ’ t had our children and their children with us to celebrate , this year we are looking forward to spending time with our friends and Colleen isn ’ t cooking for days in advance . Saying that , it will not quite the same without the kids . Speaking with many people and business owners over the last month , everyone seems to be gearing up for a memorable time . This is a time for joyous excitement and good times , it is also a time to reflect on times gone by and the fond memories we have and the great adventures life provided over past years . Planning is also well on the way for the New Year festivities in January and February alike - Tet is nearly with us . Some of our long and dear friends have children that have grown up so quickly and it is with mixed emotions that some of them are moving back to Australia , we wish them all a great future and hopefully they will come back to visit us soon also there are new people moving into our great city and we look forward to many happy times ahead , the wheel doesn ’ t stop spinning .

Christmas is a very special time - let ’ s make this year one that is special for all .
Merry Christmas Andrew Winterburn Managing Editor
The MAG online https :// themagvietnam . com /
I often refer to Vung Tau as “ Vietnam ’ s Best Kept Secret ” well this city has surprised me yet again , one of the finest Boutique Resorts we have been to is right here in Vung Tau . Winds Boutique Resort - check out page 10 of this issue for a quick glimpse at this gem .
. themagvietnam . com Advertising space is limited and New Year is nearly upon us
Contact Colleen @ themagvietnam . com Ph : + 84 122 9167 530 to secure your space and a great package deal .


Do you have any comments that you would like to air ? If so , reach out and have your say at
feedback @ themagvietnam . com we ’ re at your fingertips .
Your ideas and thoughts are important to us .
4 The MAG Vung Tau