The Lower School at Sevenoaks LS_book_single_pages | Page 18


The Lower School Mathematics syllabus aims to enable all students to experience the enjoyment and sense of achievement that comes from a fluent and confident understanding of Mathematics . Developing fluency and problem-solving skills lies at the heart of what we intend for our Lower School students ; key topics such as operations with fractions , linear graphs , angle theories and creating and solving equations lay the foundations for the Middle School .
Alongside the topics in the programme of study , lesson time is devoted to consolidating skills through a series of specially designed tasks and developing problem-solving techniques using the UKMT Mathematics Challenge resources . Group work and collaborative work are actively encouraged , and students are regularly asked to describe , explain and justify their reasoning and line of inquiry . Activities such as ‘ Odd one out ’, ‘ Always , sometimes or never true ’ and matching card sorts are used to facilitate discussion and prompt discovery .
During Year 7 all students are taught in mixed classes , where differentiated work supports and extends them as appropriate . In Year 8 students are assigned to the teaching class appropriate for continuing their development through suitable practice and discussion .
Dr Frost tasks and Nrich puzzles will often be set as homework to consolidate and extend the learning that takes places within the classroom . For the most able students we hold extension sessions designed specifically to support students in preparation for mathematical competitions problems that require extended solutions . All students sit the UKMT Junior Mathematics Challenge with many qualifying for the follow-on rounds ; the Junior Kangaroo and the Junior Olympiad .
Through practice , discussion and differentiated work we hope to enable all students to develop the appropriate mathematical tools to build on their knowledge year on year , to develop the qualities of perseverance and independent thinking and the ability to collaborate , question and be creative .