The Lovely Pink Diva The Lovely Pink Diva | Page 17

The spirit healer one seems to be your main blog, many people have a hurt around them that affects them, what advice as a spirit healer would you give to them?

Most of my posts in Spirit Healer are on the topic of healing yourself, so I recommend checking out my blog! But the most important advice I can give to anyone is to realize that you deserve to be happy, and to make happiness your goal. You don’t have to know how to get there; you don’t need to have a plan first. Just make happiness your goal, and open yourself up to its possibility and promise.

Is there a posting you did that means the most to you?

I lost a friend last month, and right now the post that means the most to me, that I go back and read over every few days for encouragement, is the post Remembering Susans. (

Anything personal you like to share?

I like to share loads of personal stuff...that’s why I blog and write memoir!

This issue of Lovely Pink Diva is about finding color in your life. What is your signature color that just makes you feel so good?

My favorite color has always been green, but lately, my signature color has been its opposite - red. Red is a color of power, passion, love, motherhood, womanhood. The bracelet I talk about in the Remembering Susan’s post is half red, so I always have red on now to inspire me and fire me up. Red is the color of joy in China, and I can’t get enough of it nowadays.