The Lovely Pink Diva The Lovely Pink Diva | Page 15

Cancer and Beauty

My day job I am a phlebotomist, as a phlebotomist, I draw blood on many cancer patients. I have done that for the past 14 years. Being that I am always surrounded by cancer, not only by patients, but also personally as well. So in my opinion, when it comes to amazing women, there is none more amazing then that of a cancer survivor.

Cancer changes you; it puts things into perspective for you. You go through hell to beat it and in some cases you even cheat death, once you won the fight with cancer. I wanted to show off inner beauty for this issue. I didn’t know what I wanted to put in this issue, but I figured I know it when I see it, and then this video came up in my inner beauty search.

I don’t think many realize what cancer patients go through to live a normal life, while battling the disease. We take so many things for granted, and do not appreciate the small things we do have, until you go through something like cancer. I do invite you to watch these videos and watch true inner beauty.