I love the blog Title, Bare Your Naked Truth, and I saw this in your about me section, “I AM WORTHY. My naked truth is worthy, and so is yours. BARE IT for everyone to see!!” This is such great advice, how did you come up with that?
Honestly, I just wrote what came to my mind. It is very important for women to know their worth and that they are worth it! I’ve struggled with this issue. Life is too short - don’t hide your true self. By baring my naked truth on my blog, I encourage my readers to do the same in their own lives.
Looking over your poems, you have many that deal with love, so do you have a great love that is the inspiration of these poems?
I wish I could say I have a great love! No, it was more like the great love I wanted; unfortunately, that was not possible with the man who inspired these poems. I learned an important lesson: you cannot make another person love you, especially a man who is incapable of loving anyone - including himself.
One poem, that inspired me was “This Moment” to me it was talking about making dreams come true through hard work and dedication. What is a dream you hope that comes true through your hard work and dedication? My dream is to be turn my passion for blogging into a career. I’d like to write for magazines such as O, Good Housekeeping, and Self so I can empower women everywhere to bare their naked truth!